Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Kitten Within

To lose a kitten is not to have a kitten lost. If you search desperately it can take months to find the right kitten. Along the way, incessant posters, flyers, and feelings of anxiety may result in leads; but in the end, only you can identify your kitten. What your neighbor deems your kitten could be a ferocious lion. Ultimately, it is no fluke that your kitten is lost in the thickest of bushes or tallest of trees. The explanation is simple, yet refined. You can only hear the soft whimpering if you are truly listening.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Profound Is A Kitten

It can be born, fostered, and felt.  It permeates each and every part of the body, mind, and soul.  Yet if left unborn, unfostered and unfelt, it can never be understood in a way that can change the world.  It is an essential step that separates the effervescent soul from the dead.  It is what makes us who we are now and forever.  The smallest scratches that it creates do damage, but one that never scratches, never learns; and more importantly, never affects.  Recognition is pretty.  When grasped, it becomes pure beauty. Profound is a kitten.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

For the Love of Kittens!

What is love?  For generations this four letter word has captivated the world.  The word love is enchanted, it is something greater than scientists can fathom.  Love cannot be monetized, love does not recognize time, love is ready for you, if you are ready for love.  The only certainty is that if you could bundle up love it would take the form of a kitten.  The heart, the soul of a kitten is spellbinding.  The famously dubbed, "Kitten Ambience" is really love making it's mark on the world.  It is love's way of touching the hearts of even the most desperate, quietly whispering, "I Love You". 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Than Just Kittens

For those who love kittens the feeling of coming home and picking up a kitten is like no other.  For a brief moment the kitten is not a kitten, it symbolizes so much more.  The tiny pulse that runs through the soft precious fur represents life.  Not only life for the kitten, but life for oneself.  The tiny eyes peering over the side of your hand embodies the human sense to learn more; to open ones own eyes to the world.  Only once one has peered past the walls of confinement can he or she experience the fullness of reality.  Finally, the tiny kitten's personality personifies man's mindset that the untouchable trumps what can only be held.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

Kittens Making A Difference

Curious kittens touch the hearts of so many.  Sometimes it takes as little as the tiniest puffball to cure an ailing heart, or lift the spirits of the sorrowful.  There may never be a fleet of kittens rushing to put out a fire.  There isn't a kitten yet that will handcuff a criminal.  The worlds gravest problems will not be under control of a mastermind kitten, but there is a special quality that only a kitten possesses.  And it is this special quality that makes a difference. 


Kittens Kittens Kittens

Love, happiness, cuteness!  We're talking about Kitten's of course!  A kitten can alleviate the stress of the fast-paced world.  Beware by the year 2014 ninety percent of the world will be kitaphilic.  Do not fear, for those new to the world of kittentry, kitaphilic is the condition defined as "love of cats"!  Our job is to work together to share the unifying love of kittens.  A picture is worth a thousand words; a picture of a kitten is worth two thousand.