Sunday, January 30, 2011

For the Love of Kittens!

What is love?  For generations this four letter word has captivated the world.  The word love is enchanted, it is something greater than scientists can fathom.  Love cannot be monetized, love does not recognize time, love is ready for you, if you are ready for love.  The only certainty is that if you could bundle up love it would take the form of a kitten.  The heart, the soul of a kitten is spellbinding.  The famously dubbed, "Kitten Ambience" is really love making it's mark on the world.  It is love's way of touching the hearts of even the most desperate, quietly whispering, "I Love You". 

1 comment:

  1. I really like the words that you have attached to my photo. They are sisters Daisy and Maisy in foster care and they would help clean each other's face after eating. They were adopted out together.
